
Reflect and Reset: Journaling Prompts to Set Meaningful Goals for the New Year

The start of a new year is an opportunity to reflect, reset, and refocus. By taking time to look back at the past year and imagine the year ahead, you can create goals that align with your values and focus on what you want to accomplish. Journaling is a powerful way to process your experiences, clarify your intentions, and map out actionable steps. Here are a series of prompts to guide you through this reflective and goal-setting process.

Looking Back on the Past Year

Reflection offers a baseline for growth. Before diving into your goals for the new year, take a moment to consider the lessons and experiences of the past year. Use these prompts to guide your thoughts:

  1. What have I done this past year that has brought me the most joy or that I feel most proud of?
  2. What were my biggest wins? What did I accomplish?
  3. What are the biggest lessons that I’ve learned from the past year?
  4. What have I done that caused the most stress or negative feelings?
  5. What haven’t I finished yet?
  6. What new habits have I created that are working for me that I want to make sure to continue?


Reflecting on these questions helps you identify what worked well, what didn’t, and what you want to do differently in the new year. A helpful tip: utilize your calendar and the pictures in your phone to remind you of the things you did over the past year.

Looking Ahead to the Coming Year

With a clearer understanding of the past, you can set meaningful and actionable goals for the year ahead. Let these prompts inspire your forward thinking:

  1. Are the things that I didn’t finish last year still important? What specific steps can I take to complete the things that I didn’t finish?
  2. What do I want MORE of? What do I want LESS of?
  3. What are 3 goals that I want to focus on this year? For each goal, write out WHY this is important to you. What will be the result or benefit of accomplishing each goal?
  4. What’s ONE DECISION I could make or ONE ACTION that I could take that would have the biggest impact as I move into this year?
  5. What small daily or weekly actions can I take to make progress towards my goal?
  6. What fears or barriers might get in the way of these actions? What doubts might hold me back? How can I address these?
  7. How will I celebrate progress, even if it’s small? How will I check in with myself to make sure I’m still on track?

Why Reflection Matters

Taking the time to look back on the past year and thoughtfully plan for the next ensures that your goals are rooted in self-awareness and intention. Reflection helps you identify patterns, clarify your priorities, and set yourself up for success. By connecting your goals to your values and experiences, you’re more likely to stay motivated and create lasting change.

You deserve a year of intentional growth, meaningful achievements, and joy-filled moments.

So, grab your journal.

Set aside some quiet time.

And let these prompts guide your way.